I dont saw any option for clear the cache on the head unit. Just clear the cache on each app
I dont saw any option for clear the cache on the head unit. Just clear the cache on each app
My Zlink de-activaits about every half year. If I connect to Wifi it will re-activate.
@Support Dasaita Thank you for your help. Here is a short video to demonstrate the situation. https://photos.app.goo.gl/qofrnQq6oPQwo8ZU7
Thank you for your help. Here is a short video to demonstrate the situation. https://photos.app.goo.gl/qofrnQq6oPQwo8ZU7
hello, can you help me with this. i want to activate again, but it needs a code, or the qr scanned with an special app. thanks
Ok, en cuanto lo tenga lo envío, por casualidad no haréis plan renover para cambiar nuestras pantallas por las nuevas G12, si valoráis la mía a un buen precio y tuviera ...
Olá, sim o carro é compatível com a N. 4
@Support Dasaita I bought not in the official store, but I have a genuine Dasaita HU. Could anyone help me in this forum what should I do to eliminate this sound quality issue during ...
posso allegarlo ad una mail ma vi assicuro di aver seguito tutti i pèassaggi. se il problema non si risolve via software vuol dire che il problema è hardware e quindi provvedo a chied...
non riesco a caricare il video...
@Support Dasaita Here are the requested details. Order Placed: November 20, 2021 Amazon.com order number: 113-4716277-8082626
我在 2023 年剛買了一台帶有 MAX11 的 PX6,從安裝在主機上的第一天起就無法登入 Spotify。 我已將韌體更新為以下最新版本 「安卓11更新 MAX11版本:確保您的裝置是PX6 Andorid 11 HA3_rk3399_11.0_ota(20230608) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ye2ia7nmb9...
@Santosh Kumar Please kindly send us your order number and go to Settings > About Machine to send us the current Build Number and MCU version. It probably associates with the firmware.
@Sergio Arredondo Please make sure that the file that you put is update.zip. Here is the troubleshooting. https://www.dasaita.com/community/forum/topic/103515/troubleshooting-for-failure-of-update...
@Francesco Corrado Have you applied and then reboot the head unit after changing the model? Please record a small video to demonstrate how you proceed the connection after then. =============== H...
@Support Dasaita also i got the camera connected and working but music stops playing when in reverse is their anyway to change this ?
When using the phone with carplay, the other person can't hear me properly when I am driving car. They can hear well when my car is stationary. I have a 2017 toyota camry car, and i have ins...
@Support Dasaita thank you for your reply , ive tried the update but for some reason my headunjt wont find any downloads for some reason , my model is the HA5961/5761
Please, please, please. Can some one post here the link to the most recent max 10 firmware and mcu. I dont want to download the wrong one and brick it. Im so confused which is the inco...