Can i know if latest 11 max release still have problem with Bluetooth in px6 max 10? Thank'u.
Can i know if latest 11 max release still have problem with Bluetooth in px6 max 10? Thank'u.
@Quick Yuan telenav_vivid_rk3399_11.0_ota(20220428) and/or HCT8_rk3399_11.0_ota2820220412 Any info about this new release? Eg: work as expected Bluetooth? Is dab finally present? Ty.
Hi. Seen now hct8 rk3399 firmware. Can be installed instead of HA3_rk3399? If yes, what is the difference?
Indeed. I updated to latest A11 release (12April) to check bt fix and... Nothing. Then IMG upgrade to 13April and still nothing. So, downgrade to A10 March release and bt work again. But a changel...
Updated just now to latest 11 vivid 13April IMG. Still bt issue here. Remain so sadness. Now downgraded to A10 29March. Is the latest release bt work for sure (indeed, now work again immed...
Istalled latest 11 release (20220412), again/still bt and SD notification bug. Is real sadness. One month for new release and bt issue is still there. Omg dasaita... 😭🤦
Seen now new release. Now i update. Hope can fix bt issue in A11. 👍
@John Chad MAX10 Version:HA3_rk3399_10.0_ota(20220329)
@Iker Gomez i like the vivid release, but dab isn't present in home music widget and this is so bad for me. Hope can be added in future release. 👍
-- doubled post / sorry / connection issue --
I've an mtce_ha, can i upgrade to mtce_mx? What is "ha / mx"? Ty.
Hi, here mtce release is 3.78, but i found an MX release on xda 3.82 Is this compatible with by mtce_ha device? Ty.
When I bought, i found an issue with canbus. Contact support via AliExpress chat, send immediately new canbus + new extra cable set (unused). Also for me issue with USB cable just because in my Toy...
Bt issue come back in my max10 upgrade to max11. Hope in next 11 release.
@Chris A same for me, atm my bt come back to work thank to hal9k custom firmware.
Search my post. Same issue for me. Fixed with hal9k custom firmware. Dasaita firmware seems to be bugged.
@Moreno Seri same here. check also switch to/from vivid/stock. Issue remain. Really sadness. Bluetooth seems like dead and atm no reply by support. Hope can receive support and fix for this sooner....
Come back to stock march release (no vivid) reset all, tried also to change from default FSC-BW124 to WQ RF210, but Bluetooth still don't work (do not found nothing: nor smartphone and not lx odb d...
I interested too. My Bluetooth do not work more after latest vivid/stock upgrade. I want try with 11 and hope can fix.
Im also have several issue with Bluetooth after latest upgrade from 2021 to latest vivid release. Today try to upgrade at 11 release. Hope can fix