Issue with android auto

  • The apple Carplay on my system works well. I changed my phone to android but the system does not work android auto. I have a px6 android 10 system. It's getting hard because of it

  • @Anoop Nair Please kindly let us know if you have already try wired and wireless Android auto.

    Here is instruction of how to set up Android auto. Please kindly check if the connection is correct or not. Could you further demonstrate the situation?

    Wired Android Auto:

    1. On your phone: Download Android auto apps
    2. Prepare your phone USB Cable, and make sure it is original or available for data transfer;
    3. For Stereo: Use the phone USB Cable wire to the cable with grey connector then wait for the connection to be successful.

    Wireless Android Auto:

    On your Android phone: 

    1. Download Android Auto. 
    2. Search for Bluetooth CARKIT and enter the password 0000 and then pair.
    3. Turn on your hotspot.

    On the stereo:

    1. Connect to your phone's hotspot.
    2. Turn on the Android Auto and wait for a successful connection.



    This is the error that I get. This is with my original cable and phone. I tried other phones which are working fine with other cars but they don't work on mine. Also my system connects wireless to Carplay but does not detect Android auto at all. What's the solution?

  • @Anoop Nair Carlife is not the same as Android auto. And the error that popped out is not related to AA. Could you see the Android auto logo on the main menu? Please kindly do as the instruction that we mention above to test the Android auto and let us know the performance. Your cooperation will be appreciated.

  • Yes that worked I had to deactivate carlife from the settings on the system. Thanks for the help 

  • Can I get the latest android and mcu update for this system of mineVersiom

  • @Anoop Nair Please kindly let us know your current UI, so that we can send the firmware to you more accurately. Meanwhile, we would like to tell you that we don't advise update of firmware if the stereo is not malfunctional. Hope you can understand.

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