I installed PX6 with can bus harness on my 2013 Toyota Camry 2 years ago and since then the check engine light keeps coming on with error code P0705 (transmission range sensor a), no matter how many times I reset it using my OBDII tester it turns on again just after few miles of driving, I replaced the transmission range sensor with a new one and checked the whole circuit, wires, sockets etc. didn't find any issues, finally I figured out that the Dasaita head unit is causing this error so I reinstalled the orginal factory head unit to make sure and the problem has gone.
after putting the PX6 again the check enigine light came on immediatly, is it a can bus setting?
@wada abo We are wondering if you installed the head unit with power on. If yes, please kindly cut the power and replug the cabel again.
I installed it accoring to installation manual, the powe was off.
@wada abo We are wondering if you could replug the cables again.
I unpluged/pluged several times, same issue re-appears. Im wondering if changing the setting in can bus type will resolve he issue.
my observasion is when I choosed the first option (no), the check engine light turned on imeediatly, but with the other options it takes some time to show the check engine light (kind of random)
I can confirm that all the wiring and pluges are installed correctly.
@wada abo could you show us the error notification on the dashboard and meanwhile show us the canbus settings page on the stereo? Your prompt reply will be appreciated.