Every three or four days when I start my vehicle the radio does not power on unless I go pull the radio fuse which is not burnt out, then it starts up, until another three or four days.
Order number 113-5362167-5866643
Every three or four days when I start my vehicle the radio does not power on unless I go pull the radio fuse which is not burnt out, then it starts up, until another three or four days.
Order number 113-5362167-5866643
@Al Simmons Please kindly update the latest firmware and the MCU.
20231104 Vivid11: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/srgrpik0i2e09d5hfeng0/update.zip?rlkey=ap62mqz8cz4thb3q9ju8h9zao&dl=0
4.06 MCU: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/srgrpik0i2e09d5hfeng0/update.zip?rlkey=ap62mqz8cz4thb3q9ju8h9zao&dl=0
I will try this. I will be what is the most updated version number right now