@Dasaita Official @Dasaita team @James Varney i just received the G12 unit under order:SP-DA4438, i follow the installation instructions, my car is Toyota corolla 2015 model ZRE171L-GEPNKV, i have the following issues
1- reverse camera not working and the screen not responding at all even the black screen with yellow triangle not show up, i attached the camera power cable in the reverse light and the vedio cable to yellow CAM-in cable and triger cable to car back cable as shown in attached vedio
2- the steering wheel control not working
3- the AC & door indication not working
4- External MIC not working ( select between Internal & External became avalible after the update), i do a test using voice recording app, Internal Mic resopnd when recording and the External Mic not
i review the frequent problems in the page and i found that may be if i update the firmware and MCU the problem will be solved , so i update the firmware using 20231229 and the MCU MTCH_HA4Z_V4.09b_1 ( i will attach the system photo after updates)
attached also the settings for the canbus
still the same problems not solved