
  • @Stas86 Stas86 

    Thanks for your response.
    Please check the update tutorial below then give it a shot.
    Update File:  
    System Firmware-Vivid10:

    Download above update file via your computer/laptop.
    Format USB drive to FAT32 Format.  
    Copy the file “” to the root directory of USB drive.    
    Insert USB drive into the unit via USB cable;
    then it will pop up automatically a window of update.
    Alternatively, please manually go "Settings > System > System updates" to start the update.  
    Please make sure that you have ticked option "Wipe data and format flash!".

  • Thanks!

  • The link to the file does not work. Can you send a working link? Thank you.

  • Figured it out, everything works. Thanks.

  • ???

  • @Stas86 Stas86 

    For further confirmation, please tell us if you can update the firmware successfully.

  • I try to update, but the process is interrupted.

  • @Stas86 Stas86 

    Update File:  
    System Firmware-Vivid10:


    Please try to re-download the file, and copy it to other USB drive to test how it goes.

    Please make sure that the file is “”(it doesn't need to unzip or rename),
    and you have ticked option "Wipe data/factory reset" before you tap "Install".

  • Ok, thanks!

  • @Stas86 Stas86 

    You are welcome.

  • @Support Dasaita 

    I have a SP-DA2614, bought in 2022. I  remember one OTA Update since that. Is there a later update that improves the BT functionality. Actually I've trouble to recognize my BT-TPMS sensors in the Supersense app in my naviceiver. Supersense app in my mobile runs greatly.

    Attached please find my build number.

  • @Adolf Klenk 


    We wondering if the BT-TPMS sensors has never been recognized.
    Or it can be recognized(show the name on the Bluetooth lists) but it doesn't connect successfully.

    We have attached the latest firmware.
    If needed, please check the update tutorial below then give it a shot.
    Update File:  
    System Firmware-Vivid11:

    Download above update file via your computer/laptop.
    Format USB drive to FAT32 Format.  
    Copy the file “” to the root directory of USB drive.    
    Insert USB drive into the unit via USB cable;
    then it will pop up automatically a window of update.
    Alternatively, please manually go "Settings > System > System updates" to start the update.  
    Please make sure that you have ticked option "Wipe data and format flash!".

  • Ob die BT-Sensoren erkannt werden, kann ich nicht sagen, da sie bei Supersense manuell eingetragen werden. Letztlich ist es wie sie vermuten. Der Naviceiver bekommt von den BT-Sensoren kein Signal, das Mobiltelefon dagegen schon. Daraus schließe ich, dass die BT-Sensoren korrekt funktionieren.

  • @Adolf Klenk 

    For further confirmation, please tell us if the BT-TPMS sensors name can be displayed on the headunit Bluetooth list.

    Besides, we'd like to remind that it doesn't support to connect more than one device through BT at the same time.
    For example, if you have connected your phone with the headunit via Bluetooth, then the headunit cannot connect other devices cuz the Bluetooth access has been occupied.

  • Die BT-Sensoren sind nicht über die BT-Liste zu sehen. Die Ankoppelung erfolgt über die APP.

    Beim Mobiltelefon sind BT-Sensoren ebenfalls nicht in der BT-Liste zu sehen. In der APP werden sie erkannt.

    Es gibt einige APPs, die via BT kommunizieren. Das hat den Vorteil, dass man mehrere BT-Klienten gleichzeitig nutzen kann. 

    weiterhin wollte ich das Update auf den Naviceiver einspielen. USB-Stick mit FAT32 formatiert und das in das Hauptverzeichnis kopiert. Der Stick wird aber nur als normaler Datenstick erkannt. Auch nach einem Neustart (reset) wird der Stick nicht als Update erkannt.

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