Update 31MAR24 @ 1651Hrs
After downloading the Max6 Android 9 PX6 20211023 ha3_rk3399_9.0_ota from:
I have been "burn in" testing the update. The steps I took are as follows:
1. I verified that I had a PX6 Android 9 by going to Settings --> About.
2. I confirmed which PX and OS currently installed via the aforementioned screen.
3. I went to the link shared above.
4. I downloaded the corresponding file.
5. I formatted my USB drive to Fat32 and copied the downloaded file named HA3_rk3399_9.0_ota(20211023).7z
6. I renamed it to Update.zip
7. I plugged it into the port that I use for connecting my phone (SM-G988U1).
8. After about a second or 2, the Head Unit (HU) recognized there was an update via the USB device and provided a checkbox for me to wipe all data. I did not check the box.
9. After "accepting"/clicking OK, the device began to update. FOR CAUTION--- I kept my vehicle running the engine while doing all of this.
10. After it restarted, a notification on the dropdown bar stated there were downloads. ***I bring that up as I was testing all of the functions once it came back up and the FM/AM Radio did not work. It was blank. I pulled down the notification bar and noticed there were Downloads named *.tmp . About a list of them working through the process. After about 2 to 3 mins it started to work just fine.
11. Currently still downloading Google Play Store App Updates, more *.tmp files, and Sygic Maps.
12. I have noticed after the vehicle has been running for about 1 hour my phone disconnects from the radio head unit via ZLink and then starts up again. ***However, I have not finished downloading and installing all the *.tmp files.***
In closing, I will keep all updated as to the outcome, whether good or bad. Thanks.