Split screen and cancel the Split Screen

  • 1. Split Screen: Turn on an app on the main menu, and long-press the Split Screen icon,then navigate to the main menu and select another app to split the screen.

    2. Cancel the Split Screen: Press and hold the screen, then swipe left or right to cancel the Split Screen.

    Here is the video instruction.🧐


  • Hello,

    How to keep split screen on car restart?  Right now reverts back to single screen.



    For your information, it doesn't support to keep split screen on car restart.
    It will revert back to single screen after the reboot.

  • Is there a way or any update ongoing to move all the navigation buttons (home, multitask, back, etc) near the driver side? Like the G13 which has a wide screen - it is too much of a stretch to reach the multi-task and back buttons. You can spare few pixels on driver side and put all the navigations there and would not affect too much to the screen experience.

  • @Andy B 

    Sorry to tell you about there is no update ongoing to move all the navigation buttons near the driver side.
    We will reflect your idea to our technical department.
    If we implement this feature in the future, we will let you know that.

  • I'd like to mirror my mobile phone screen onto Dasaita. Can you recommend an app that works properly? My issue is that my TPMS BT sensors are recognized on my mobile but not in the Dasaita gear. Maybe the BT module in the Dasaita Naviceiver works a bit differently from the mobile. Thus I plan to mirror the mobile screen on the Dasaita.

    I tried several apps. But most of them are crowded with commercial or need an internet account. So it seems to be a cloud version. If it works I'll also buy a commercial free version. However at first I want to experience how it works. Thx for your advice.

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