When i turn the car on sometimes the unit works and then sometimes it dosent.
When i turn the car on sometimes the unit works and then sometimes it dosent.
@edwin villegas Please go to update the firmware and MCU.
4.12MCU: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0ksub1bba94rm8ttxfikv/hmcu.img?rlkey=bx8j6osl48uf8nxr6qwbb8zm
Vivid 11 Version Make Sure your unit is PX6 Andorid 11(The left widget's map could be customized, suggest Google Map and Scout Map.)
the mcu link isnt working
This happens to me from time to time on my Android 12 unit. Sometimes after a few minutes it will power on.
@Michael Uribe
Here is the latest MCU(4.12):
@Michael Uribe Do you mean that your head unit will power off and on sometimes, please let us know your current MCU and Build Number.
@Support Dasaita I mean that my head unit will sometimes not power on right away. Sometimes it takes about 5 to 10 minutes for it to power on. This normally happens if the car has been turned off for only a short amount of time. Another related problem is the head unit always completely powers off when I turn the car off. It doesn't matter what setting I choose in the "Delay when ACC off" option. I didn't have this problem until I switched to the Vivid version of Android 12. Below is my MCU and Build Number.
MCU: MTCH_HA4Z_V4.12b_1 Apr 19 2024 10:04:11
Build Number: QCM6125 12 S10A_123 eng.hct3.20240410.094237 NA
@edwin villegas Can you update finally, we've check the link and it seems OK?