No google assistant audio / maps guidance over Zlink Android Auto

  • I have a PX6 android version 11 Dasaita head unit and there is no sound from google assistant or maps guidance over android auto. The google assistant hears me and performs commands/ answers (as noted by the colored lights on the side of the screen) but no sound comes through the speakers. Also when using google maps the guidance voice does not work either. I have tried going into the google maps settings and playing the test sound but it does not make any sound.

    Build Number: rk3399-userdebug 11 RQ3A.210705.001 eng.hct2.20230106.200846 release-keys
    MCU: MTCH_HA4Z_V3.97_1
              Dec 1 2022 09:41:47

  • @Michael Troiano 

    In order to learn the exact model and version you purchased,
    please provide us with your valid order number / order details screenshot.
    For further confirmation, please tell us whether the audio of Google Assistant or Google Maps can work if it without connecting Android Auto.
    Please confirm this issue happened when in Wireless or Wired Android Auto.
    Thanks in advance.

  • @Support Dasaita 

    1. My order number is: 114-0599701-8269847. This is from amazon.

    It was this exact model:


    2. Both google assistant and google maps do work without android auto.

    3. The issue is on both wired and wireless android auto.

  • @Michael Troiano 

    Thanks for getting back to us.
    Regarding to your issue, we suggest that you can try to update the latest firmware&MCU.
    Vivid 11 Version Make Sure your unit is PX6 Andorid 11
    Update File: 

    System Firmware-Vivid11-4-20240416:



    Specific Operation:  
    Please download above update file via your computer/laptop firstly.   
    Please format the USB drive to FAT32 Format.  
    Please copy the file “”&“hmcu.img” to the root directory of USB drive.    
    Please insert USB drive into the unit via USB cable.  
    Please go Settings > System > System updates/MCU updates to start the update.   
    Tap "wipe data and format flash" and "install".  
    (Please note that all data on this unit needs to be wiped before doing this step, so back up important data if necessary.)  

    Reference operation video:


  • Ok I have completed the updates. The system shows the new numbers for MCU and Build number but the issue still persists. No audio from google assistant or google maps.

  • @Mike 

    Please check whether the volume is at the maximum when you use Android Auto.
    Besides, please confirm if other Apps audio can work in Android Auto except Google related Apps.

  • @Support Dasaita  Yes the volume is at maximum when using adroid auto. Yes other apps audio works in android auto just not google related apps.

  • @Mike 

    According to your information, it seems to be a problem with Google Apps.
    Please confirm that the related Google Apps already are the latest version.
    Regarding to your issue, we suggest that you can try to consult with Google customer service.

  • @Support Dasaita I have confirmed that the issue is not with my phone/Google apps. I have tried my phone on another car with Android Auto and the Google apps audio works perfectly. I have also tried another android on my Dasaita radio with Android Auto and the other phone also had the same issues. It must be the radio


  • @Mike 

    If possible, could you please write a mail regarding to the issue and indicate your order number?
    So that we can arrange the personnel to follow up on your case and offer the corresponding after-sales service.
    Thanks in advance.

  • I am having the same problem. Was your ever resolved Mike? 

  • @Matthew Falletta 

    Hi Matthew,

    To better assit you,please provide us with your Order details(Including Order Number&Unit model&Version)

    please go to Settings>About machine and provide the following version information:

    1.A clear photo of the stereo's Built Number.

    2.A clear photo of the stereo's MCU version.


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