@osamu nonaka Thank you for your contact.
Yes, you could update mentioned above MCU 4.14e : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gcu4y850d8dyu4gxm2cfr/hmcu.img?rlkey=jm86jx7bapudgai30jan0jra8&dl=0
@osamu nonaka Thank you for your contact.
Yes, you could update mentioned above MCU 4.14e : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gcu4y850d8dyu4gxm2cfr/hmcu.img?rlkey=jm86jx7bapudgai30jan0jra8&dl=0
@osamu nonaka
Please ingore the last message. It doesn't suitable for your head unit.
Please don't update the MCU .We found that your other post the unit is PX6 Android 9.