So I will start off with what unit I have a Daisata Vivid 11 Android 11 PX 6. Which updated to a scout all on its own. I don't know if that's default behavior but that's what happened. The head unit is in a Honda Accord 2013 V6 with navigation system and full stereo with amplifier and subwoofer. Going back to the change from vivid to scout, some of my problems are regarding the scout launcher. One of being the scout map system does not work at all, it's as if my gps is not ready by the scout maps or something, but on Google maps its semi more responsive, but not much more. That's been a problem actually, since I got the head unit. The gps has been rather lackuster pretty much ever since I got it I have not complained because I just use the one in my phone. Another issue I have run into is the Novo system. Ever since the last update, it has started generated extraneous triggers and adverse driving events when none are happening hard breaking when I have not touched the break, rapid acceleration when I have barely even started to move from a standing still position at a red light, and it also has no way of knowing context. Their are times when one must accelerate in a quick manner say, when entering a highway where if you do not accelerate quickly you will end up dead. I don't care what Novo thinks I want to stay living and maybe they should come drive on the NJ turnpike or gardenstare parkway and then maybe they will understand that putting in a rapid acceleration metric is a little bit pie in the sky. It would be nice if we drove in a vacuum but in real world situations people are going far in excess of the speed limit on those roads and just entering the road way at the times I need to drive on the highway means I will get up to speed in enough time so the semi that is going 80 miles per hour that cannot and will not slow down does not destroy my car and me along with it. It's just not practical. But it also gives many false positives of rapid acceleration when none has occured that is the only legitimate rapid acceleration scenario and it's one that is going to happen regardless of whether Novo wants it to, so Everytime someone travels on a road like this they will be hit by that and lose points on their record. Seems not well throught out in that regard. I just think it it's going to be implemented it needs to be implemented in a way that takes into account what people have to deal with when they drive, not act as though people can always be expected to soft accelerate most of the time it's fine and I can gradually accelerate and had no issue prior to the update but I'm getting rapid acceleration when it's clearly not happening, and to test this I brought people with me, just in case I was misjudging my own dribing and they were in agreement that the head unit was being wildly unreasonable in its assessment. In one trip it dinged 5 hard breaking incidents and each time I hadn't touched the breaks when it went off but had removed my foot from feathering the accelerator just to maintain the speed I was at. It was unreal. It has taken my driving record from a 78 down to a 52. In one update I am actually rather annoyed about this. I mean what the hell? Now the other issue I have is I have a crack in my head unit glass, I unfortunately had to deal with having some things done to the vehicle and it came back and it looks like they tried to stick something in there they didn't fit, is there a way to replace the glass? I work in IT, replacing laptop and phone screens and things so if it's anything like that, I could do it myself I just am wondering if I can buy the screen from Daisata. There was something else.... Oh yes the Dimo app. I tried installing the Dimo app and it immediately crashes. It refuses to open at all. Nothing on play store said that it can't work with the unit. So I am wondering if there is any advice for what to do about getting the app to work if I do I can collect 25 dollars. All that's standing in the way is the head unit loading the app up. I'm not going to say no to 25 dollars so I'd like to get the unit to stop crashing the app if possible. my only other matter is a question and that is should I update this units firmware and MCU I've never done that since I got it. And as you see I'm having some issues GPS, Nova, some apps, also some general slowness and sluggishness on startup. I've seen mixed answers on whether to update and so I don't know what I should do in my situation. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. I forgot one thing I pulled the head unit because I had originally left the gps behind the dash so I wanted to bring it out running it may help (it didn't) ever since I did that whenever I make a right turn of back up it engages a camera which is normal but doing so also mutes all sound on the radio which is not normal I don't know why that's happening it wasn't happening until I pulled the gos out from behind the dash maybe a wire came lose? If nobody knows I'll have to go back there and tighten everything.