Bluetooth keeps disconnecting and reconnecting. Now, after a master reset ..

  • Okay, So I have a PX6 For a 2015 Toyota Tacoma. 
    Recently, my bluetooth keeps disconnecting and reconnecting. That was frustrating but now, 

    I no longer can connect at all. I go to pair the phone and it shows the pair prompt for maybe 1 second and before you can even type in the passcode, it dissapears. I've tried this with multiple phones and tablets and they all do the same thing. 

    I am running this version. 

    Can I get an updated firmware ? I've yet to ever upgrade this model. I havn't flashed any updates. 

    This is highly frustrating. 

    This is what it does... 

    Click here to see what it's not doing....


    Can I please get a new firmware to fix this ?

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