Toyota CHR 15CM 2016-2018
Toyota CHR 15CM 2016-2018
The HA5462 with the MAX10 OS is the same hardware unit as the HA5462 with the Vivid OS.
Well, the name is the key - HA5462 - the Hardware is the same, just the ROM is different (or the GUI/Loucnher).
Will Dasaita release the ROM for the MAX10 unit with the upgrade to Vivid?
On XDA people already forked the Vivid ROM for all PX6 and PX5 units.
So, Dasaita, its your turn now to show your good will and support your products with the new ROM.
SKU: HA5462-Vivid10-CP-HD
PS - The Vivid Louncher is standalone available right here: