Bonjour, j'ai acheté une caméra dvr usb que l'on fixe sur le par brise. Elle fonctionne parfaitement en usb sur la tablette mais lorsque je branche un disque dur en usb il a un conflit et la n'arrete pas de redemarrer. J'aimerai me procurer le cable dvr pour le brancher derriere la tablette mais il est introuvable ou indisponible.
Je suis sous vivid max 10
@bob jean where do you plug both camera and HDD?
Ok the unit there are three USB ports... One as a single port and two shared by the same cable. I suggest you to plug the camera over the single USB and the HDD over the double USB...
It seems that the USB is not giving the power enough for both devices.
I connected the camera and the hard drive on the shared two port cable. Ok thanks you i will try on the cable a single port.
I connected the camera to the single usb cable and the hard drive to the double cable and i have the same startup problem. I plan to install a switch on one of the cables so as not to overload the tablet at the startup.
@bob jean i didn't know that there was needed a special DVR cable
They don't make it anymore, there 's only usb now