I do not understand why the radio plug.We assume that we do not understand each other.If you wish, look at the equipment in the photo. It is easier for you to communicate ...
I do not understand why the radio plug.We assume that we do not understand each other.If you wish, look at the equipment in the photo. It is easier for you to communicate ...
They have this cable. For connection to radio. There is no connector for this cable on the radio. Can it be connected differently? Thank you.
The order number was not saved. It was 7 years ago. Can't find out by serial number?
Good afternoon.The cassette recorder was bought a long time ago.Serial number-(D0D0359AA1B09703)Is it possible to connect this block (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004407225765.html?spm=a2g0o...
where can I connect to control the 360 review unit from the radio screen? Thank you.