@Ed Vard It is a software problem that has been known for more than a year and a half and remains unsolved. To mitigate the problem you have to force the complete shutdown of the equipment when r...
@Ed Vard It is a software problem that has been known for more than a year and a half and remains unsolved. To mitigate the problem you have to force the complete shutdown of the equipment when r...
@Ed Vard @Elite Android We are wondering if you could show us the error notification. We could diagnose the issue accordingly. Do you mean that the bluetooth can't turn on though you manual connect...
@ciro spagnuolo In this case, we suggest you formatted the USB to fat32 then re-download the firmware and then copy it to the directory of the USB drive. Please kindly update again and let us know ...
@Reinhard Güntzel We are wondering if you could send us a photo of the microphone that you received and you can also refer to the diagram below to see which jack should be locate. In the mean...
@John Donnelly We are wondering if you mean that you update the the firmware, the system still turn black intermintantly. You could send us a video to further demonstrate the situation, we could ju...
Thank you, @Iker Gomez I will look for them. Do you have a rough timing? I'm hoping this will fix the problem but I'm not very optimistic. The screen has not come on since I erase...
Guten Abend, Habe mir das HA 5225 Vivid 11 gekauft, Für Nissan Xtrail T32, Hatte voerher ein HA 5225 Max 10. Leider past das Mirkrofon vom Vivid 11 nicht mehr (6 pol Iso Stecker) im Nissan K...
+1 with this issue. I have the Autosleep setting on and eventually Bluetooth can't turn on and I have to reboot the unit. This is on the latest Vivid 10 release.
My headunit Bluetooth sometimes is unable to connect. Most of the time it works well, I get to the car, power up and phone automatically connects. But Sometimes phone doesn't connect and when I try...
cosa devo fare quando esce questa schermata mentre sta facendo l'aggiornamento? Io ho fatto riavviare il sistema ma si è riavviato senza fare nessuno aggiornameto grazie &...
@Iker Gomez wo finde ich diese Information
Hallo das Radio habe ich leider online erworben bei eBay habe mir nur ein Neuen kabelbaum bei daseita gekauft da ich kein bose soundsystem habe
@Support Dasaita yes that is exactly the issue. Ok I will wait for the firmware update.
@John Santiago do you mean that all that shortcut is occupied by google map though you change it? We assume that may be a bug that need to be fixed, we would forwarded to our programmer, and once g...
@John Santiago Please download the carlog via the link. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/q890l08tdvaz6461zphys/Nissan.bmp?rlkey=oygwanfk962hphcrn8ijerdfk&dl=0
@Daniel Trautvetter Könnten Sie uns bitte Ihre Bestellnummer mitteilen und das Video aufnehmen, um das von Ihnen erwähnte Problem aufzuzeichnen? Wir würden dies gerne entsprechend un...
@Daniel Trautvetter Could you please let us know your order number and shot the video to record the issue that you mentioned? We would like to investigate accordingly. Your cooperation will be...
@Andy Rafael Regarding to the USB issue, please kindly check with the dual USB to check if the cable can be connected or not. As to the SWC issue, we are wondering if your head unit come with canb...