@Gary Lawood Hello customer, For our previous conversation, please make sure the unit has been recognized your SIM card. Based on the pictures you provided, your SIM card is still no...
@Gary Lawood Hello customer, For our previous conversation, please make sure the unit has been recognized your SIM card. Based on the pictures you provided, your SIM card is still no...
@mario luna Thank you for your kind reply. Yes, it is the latest vivid 11 version on your head unit. If you connect the wireless Android Auto,the bluetooth will be occupied. So it is normal to di...
@Support Dasaita don't have order ID, past owner of car purchased head unit then sold to me. Is there any way you can help?
Good day I share pictures regards I notice that the issue starts when I open Android Auto. If I don't use the Android Auto, Bluetooth audio works perfectly &nb...
@Support Dasaita Hello, I sent you a message with that info. Or would it be better if I made a new thread?
I have this problem also with using the latest telenav_vivid_rk3399_11.0_ota(20240913) firmware. Vivid 11 unit. It is making using android auto annoying too, because any time there is a...
what is the warranty on the dash camera? I purchased 3 on Amazon and one display suddenly stopped working. The camera was still recording but the display does not work. I tried using the reset butt...
H@Support Dasaita how am I supposed to do that when as I mentioned the MOBILE NETWORK IS DISABLED AND CAN NOT BE SELECTED so why are we keep going around in circles
I've poked around in the settings and searched the forums, but I can't seem to find the setting for this. Apple Music pauses when Google Maps makes navigation announcements when using Carplay/Zlink...
i meant OBD2 (BlueDriver). Typo on my end. However, is the MCU and BT above for PX6? Or for G12? I own a PX6
The same thing happens with my PX6 android9, it takes about 5 minutes to catch a GPS signal. Once it receives a signal, it will continue to receive as long as the power is not turned off, but if I ...
@Peronnet Christophe Grazie per la tua rapida risposta. È l'ultima versione per VIVID 10. 1. Prova a riavviare il telefono. 2. Prova a trovare un pin, tieni premuto il pulsante RST per 1...
Bonjour, Désolé je pensais qu'on les voyait sur la vidéo
@mario luna Hello , To better confrim,could you please go Settings>About machine and provide the following version information? 1.A clear photo of the stereo's Bulid Number. 2.A clear p...
@Peronnet Christophe Potresti andare su Impostazioni>Informazioni sulla macchina e fornire le seguenti informazioni sulla versione: 1. Una foto chiara del numero di build dello stereo. 2. Una...
@Jez Doh Please let us know your concern so we could better help
Identify the Source of Noise: First, determine whether the problem lies with the radio, built-in CD player, or external devices such as an iPhone. If the noise only occurs when the engine is st...
@Gary Lawood Thank you for sharing details with us. For your issue, please also go settings>network>moblie network to imput the APN of your SIM card
@ALESSIO FRATTARUOLO Does the 360 button still appear on the page? In this issue,please try to find a pin to hold the RST for 15 seconds to enter factory restet
Hello customer, Could you send a video of showing to this e-address : team@dasaita.com ? Thank you