My amp is running but no sound out the woofers. I used the rear red and white rca outputs nothing. I used the sub1 and sub2 with and without a rca splitter and nothing. What is the proper way to ho...
Hello @Ikerg, okay, that's what I say from my experience, when I'm with CarPlay I have internet from my phone only in the Zlink application and not in the unit in general, if I want internet in my ...
Hola Andrés, me alegra se hayan solucionado tus inconvenientes, personalmente uso CarWebGuru, pero no descarto Vivid porque es un lanzador desarrollado en conjunto con Dasaita lo que en cier...
Hola Jose. Ya lo he instalado las actualizaciones y funcionan todas las App, si Vivid es solo un lanzador creo que no merece la pena pues ya tengo uno que estoy contento. Gracias por tu informaci...
@Iker Gomez Thanks anyway. @Quick Yuan can you help out here? I'm now on HA3_px5_10.0_ota2820220401it looks like the option for video while driving is not working, I get the triangle warning s...
Figured it out
@Brew1 Brew sorry I do not own a Honda
@Andres Crugeira para que las apps que crasshean vuelvan a funcionar debes desinstalar las actualizaciones del android system WebView y desactivar las actualizaciones automáticas de Google P...
@Rob Atkinson it is strange that your canbus stopped working. Perhaps something was misconfigured... Check which canbus is selected on factory settings > canbus. And. Check which option is se...
@David Frucht upgrading is not dangerous, at least when you use the same android version OTA .... People claiming of bricked units rely on trying tonupgrade from Android 10 to 11 by means of OTA up...
@José Guillermo Huertas Lancheros zlink connection depends ALWAYS from Bluetooth connection. For any CarPlay or android auto, as the audio is transmitted by Bluetooth. The data connection (...
@Nicola Frau i don't think so if currently there is no option for air conditioning over your can bus options. Car stock controls are not common for all the models and car brands. They depend ...
Andrés buena tarde, puedes con MCU primero y posteriormente con la OTA, el archivo MCU es muy liviano, OTA pesa mas o menos 1.2 Gb. Vivid es un lanzador como lo es AGAMA o CarWebGuru, despu...
to further clarify the issue, this also happens when I try to launch Avin or DVD aps. So it looks like even though I have enabled video while driving the system is still blocking video while drivin...
Muchas gracias por tu ayuda. Sabes en que orden lo actualizo o da lo mismo. Lo podria pasar a vivido y que diferencia habria o no merece la pena. Saludos
@Iker Gomez can you please help me out on this. I've gone through all the settings after upgrading and every thing is configured properly.
Hola, tu unidad por lo que veo está desactualizada, intenta actualizar la MCU a la última versión 3.78 y la OTA Max10 Android 10 20220521. La tengo actualizada y to...
Hola. Tengo un problema no puedo conectarme a Google y algunas app no funcionan, adjunto la informacion, como lo puedo solucionar, ahora tengo Max lo puedo actualizar a vivido y el sistema. Y sob...
I saw that thread, and also the link to this version: https://austinnam.blogspot.com/2020/11/toyota-oem-microphone-adapter-for.html I may try to make the one I just linked, though I admit I'm a bi...