G13 unit not work Google assistant vocal command for call a phone contact

  • Hello, 

    I have G13 unit 8+256GB for my Toyota CHR, when I press vocal button on my steering wheel, start Google assistant, I ask to call the contact X, I have an error and the call on my phone doesn't start.

    How I can resolve? 


  • @Giannantonio D'Avico 

    Please make sure that you have enabled Sync Contacts firstly.
    Settings > System > Reset Options > Reset WiFi, Mobile&Bluetooth.
    Reconnect the Bluetooth, and then it will pop up automatically a window: 
    "Allow Contacts and Favorites Sync? Your car may request your contacts, phone favorites, and recent phone calls over Bluetooth. Do you wish to allow this?".
    Please tap "Allow"(see pic1).
    Alternatively, please try to enter Bluetooth setting to enable "Sync Contacts"(see pic2).

  • Hello, 

    I have contact sync enabled, in phone section in cartablet I can see the contact number and in this section I can call manually contacts. Only call with Google assistant doesn't work

  • @Giannantonio D'Avico 


    In order to learn your order details, please provide us with your valid Order Number.

    Please tell us whether it pops up a remind on screen when you tried to use Google assistant vocal command for phone calls.
    If YES, could you please provide its photo to us?

    For further confirmation, please go Settings > About Machine;
    then send below pictures to us:  Model; Android Version; Build Number; MCU version.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Hello, 

    1. Order SP-DA535

  • @Giannantonio D'Avico 

    We notice that you are contacting with our after sale team at the same time via email.
    In order to follow up on your order better, please discuss further with our personnel via email if you have any questions.
    Thanks in advance. 

  • Hello,

    I contacted you via email for questions relating to the order and not for problems with the car radio, but ok, I will write via email for this problem too.


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