Dasaita Android13 Car Stereo for Toyota 4Runner 2010 - Radio, Waze and steering wheel buttons

  • Hello,

    I finish the installation and overall, it went well. I do have a few issues with the following:

    - I plug the radio dongle from the correct connector into the G13 radio --> when i tried AM/FM, i cannot receive anything. Everything has been plugged correctly. 

    - When i try the application Waze i get the following --> No network connection. I do have my phone connected blue tooth and apple car play is working fine.

    - Is there any ways to use my wheel +/- sounds and other button on my steering wheel. Right now there are not working (need to review further with interface though).

    thanks for your help.




  • @yannick Le Strat Hi ,

    To be better follow up the issue with you,please attached your Order details(Including Order Number&Unit model&Version) to our Dasaita support team emails: team@dasaita.com

    Thank you!


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