Just purchased the unit on Amazon, got it installed fine. The only problem is the iGO maps are from 2020? Where can I get the updated maps or newer .APK file?
Just purchased the unit on Amazon, got it installed fine. The only problem is the iGO maps are from 2020? Where can I get the updated maps or newer .APK file?
@Steven Lee
Hi Steven,
For USA:
Please download the apk on your laptop then copy it to the USB drive.
Insert it to the USB cable and go to the filebrowser to install it.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/33wjx67tzq2mroc7aitd5/iGO-US-2023Q4.rar?rlkey=d3t4bn3wyan3qvfn7j3h6echv&dl=0 |