Hi everyone!
I own a PX6 (1280x720) running Android 10. The other day, I decided to update the system after discovering several available firmware versions.
After updating to Vivid 10 Version: telenav_vivid_rk3399_10.0_ota (20240126), performing a wipe data and formatting the flash, I noticed that when connecting my phone to use Android Auto, there is no connection between them, although the initial pairing is successful.
I also tried another version, MAX10 Version: HA3_rk3399_10.0_ota (20230803), but the issue remains the same. Additionally, I have attempted the option reset bluetooth devices, but the connection issue persists.
Any ideas why this is happening? Possible solution?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Enric,
Please try to fatory reset the unit to see how it work?
If you try but no luck please kindly get back to us.
Hello thanks for your reply,
I did but unfortunately with the same result...

The pairing its successful but still no conection between, before the update I was using zlink3, I don't know if this can be related to the problem? it's weird, next step what can I try now?
@Enric Subirana
Hi Enric,
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/05xsn33yaco1qzc8fmn2v/update.zip?rlkey=7lj4j3l1unpb7mured9svoc2g&dl=0 |
1.Download the documents through the link on your computer/laptop.
(Do not rename and Unzip the file)
2.Format the USB drive before copying the Update.zip file to it, then insert it to the USB cable,and it will pop out the firmware updating tips on the screen.
Thanks for your help! Please, can I have the last version (doesn't matter if its MAX, VIVID, HCT...) that is using Zlink3??? How I regret to update the system