@Antonio Catalano try buying a new USB 2.0 i bought a walmart Onn brand because my older USB 3.0 gave me that same error
@Antonio Catalano try buying a new USB 2.0 i bought a walmart Onn brand because my older USB 3.0 gave me that same error
@Support Dasaita it was RDS now if it goes static it will regain signal
Yeah but is it normal to not come back until i change the channel i can drive miles and miles and it wont come back until i change the station
Is it normal to keep on going static until i change the station?
Lo de TPMS tienes q comprar el q venden interno o los q van externos para q te funcione ese app
Try a newer flash drive i had problems with mines that didnt install and went to walmart an bought a Onn Brand USB 2.0 Pendrive and it worked
Now a lock screen for when your car is at the mecanic so they cant play around with it would be good
For screen brightness just activate Google assistant and say open accessibility settings there is a dim setting which you can set the brightness to what ever you desire and it adds a quick setting ...
Well the firmware resolved all but one issue and its the radio signal going static when going under bridges and high vegetation other than that it runs smooth
Yo trate de instalar un custom firmware un dia pero no me logro instalar, ahora baje el q sale en esta pagina a ver ya q veo q tiene fecha mas reciente q el q tiene mi radio
@Dani Gavieiro esta todo bien instalado pero de repente se va a estatica y como unico lo arreglo es cambiandolo de canal y volviendo al q estaba y eh dado ya 3 factoy reset y sigue igual google map...
One bug is that the radio has low reception and then it goes to static and the only way it works again is if i change the channel and the other one is navigation with Google or any other map app is...