@B C @Justin S Hi there, we are wondering if you could send us photo of the OEM head unit to show the front and back side. Please let us know if your model are the same which...
@B C @Justin S Hi there, we are wondering if you could send us photo of the OEM head unit to show the front and back side. Please let us know if your model are the same which...
come potete vedere i cablaggio dovrebbe essere corretto non è possibile scambiare i connettori, quando si accende a volte il touch non va e dopo 1 minuto va in reboot, e lo fa per 4/5 e comu...
Vi allego foto di tutti i cablaggi, impossibile sbagliare il collegameto in quanto i cavi hanno tutti invito.
@Tony T we are wondering if you could demonstrate how you make the control settings work. Your cooperation will be appreciated.
@Henry T I don't know how to get it. I got the update fo. The head unit general menu, not from PlayStore.
@Support Dasaita So you can use Car Play wireless or wired? The advertisement only lists wireless.
@Tony T Hello again. Yeah that's why I made this post so the Dasaita team takes our concerns seriously, which made me glad when they said they're actually looking into the matter. I searched around...
@Tony T oh yes, I did that as well, but I wasn't as persistent, so I stopped going through each setting after awhile since there were too many and I didn't feel like waiting for each reboot lol.&nb...
I'm going through the same thing right now. I hope the team comes up with a solution.
Here is a link to the video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g8iozn9zon0xng7d7evgb/IMG_0102.MOV?rlkey=k4ir8nww1o8vgmlhzujkdklbm&dl=0The spotify music has no audio even tho the track is going, an...
I also would like to mention, I upgraded to the "QCM6125_20240111-1739" Firmware from "QCM6125_20231017-1733" hoping it'll help with vehicle settings thing but I did notice it added an External mic...
@B C If I remember correctly, on the Canbus drop-down menu, there is an "ALL" category, then select car, which is "Honda". That should include all of the Honda Canbus options. I then cycled throug...
@Support Dasaita Oh! When I went back to check my wiring, I noticed one of my OEM radio wirings didn't have a connection to the CB077 harness... I was wondering if they all needed to be connected o...
@Tony T That's interesting. May I ask what canbus settings did you change them to while experimenting? I didn't dive deep into the different manufacturer canbus settings, since I was afraid of losi...