Yes of course. I will install new firmware only when it is available via OTA
Yes of course. I will install new firmware only when it is available via OTA
@Support Dasaita model: Dasaita 10'' radio upgrade for 2014-2021 toyota tundra wireless
i Just tried to update the Firmware using the filw you provided i downloaded the fil, rename the zip file to "" transfere it to quick formated flash drive FAT 32 i run the update , i re...
@andrew reyes Hi there, please update our latest firmware. zst27_sc138_12_(20240111)
@Muhammad Fadl Please ignore my message in the morning. Regarding to the back camera. Please kindly remove the connector(See the attached pic) If still no luck, we are wondering if you could...
@H H @Paul Wood @James Varney Please kindly update the firmware. Note...
@Support Dasaita
@Support Dasaita
@TK Zhang Would you kindly send us a video to further demonstrate your issue?
@Lawren Benoit We are wondering if your head unit is Max or vivid, we would like to send you according firmware to check if it's software issue.
@H H We found your message in other post, we are wondering if you could factory reset the system first.
@Darryl Harrell Please download the USA Map APK.
@Support Dasaita my music file lives on the flash drive. the previous version would automatic load and play music folders. but after updated to lastest firmware it does no load anymore. if i go to ...
@TK Zhang Please kindly go to the filebrowser to check if the local songs have been deleted after the update. Your cooperation will be appreciated.
@Gennaro Costanzo Sorry that the new firmware do not keep this functionality, we are wondering if you could go to google player store to download according apps instead or you want to rescroll to t...
@Antonio Catalano We don't suggest you to update firmware that released other than Dasaita official forum. Your understanding will be appreciated.
@rene lopez Please go to Settings > About machine and send us the Build Number and MCU version.
@Luis Sánchez We would like to tell you that the left widget customization will be improved in about Feb. Once the new firmware has released we will put the link to the forum. You could pay ...
@John Sample We are wondering if you have factory reset the system to check if it could help. Here is a video tutorial.
@Michael Uribe Do you mean that you have the same issue, please further demonstrate it and we will try our best to solve the problem for you?