@Support Dasaita non ho trovato la mappa scout dopo l'aggiornamento. Dove la posso trovare? Che novità ci sono nel nuovo aggiornamento. Non ho trovato differenze ne grafiche ne altro.
@Support Dasaita non ho trovato la mappa scout dopo l'aggiornamento. Dove la posso trovare? Che novità ci sono nel nuovo aggiornamento. Non ho trovato differenze ne grafiche ne altro.
@Mike Van Eeckhoutte Hi, please refer to the video. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gog9akj0b0biyai3brhiz/change-time-zone.mp4?rlkey=mlij8f1jl1fgbuil0lpy6xhj9&dl=0
I attach image of the usb drive and a video to show the operation of update with your istructions that I think I followed properly. The only one different about your guide is that I don't have the ...
@Support Dasaita I tried turning on the tether though the usb, but as soon I try to activate it, Zlink kills android auto and the usb connection. This turns the option back off making the phone thi...
@Support Dasaita any update on my widget question?
@Support Dasaita ok I have done that. Yes I bought the Bluetooth OBD2 from your website and downloaded and installed torque pro on the headunit. I also have a question about TPMS. I bought Bluetoot...
@Diego Micheli We have pre-installed the scout map in this firmware, if you don't want the map, you could uninstall it.
@Angky Dharmosetio We are wondering if you could shot a video to further demonstrate the issue that you mentioned, so that we could diagnose and provide your more appropriate instruction. In the me...
A while ago I had updated my mcu and upgraded from Max10 to Vivid10. Ever since then the headunit does not recognize anything via Bluetooth. I can even see a phone to attempt to connect it. I...
As I said, I havent' had any audio stuttering since the December 5, 2023 Security Update was installed. That doesn't mean it won't happen, but it's been a week with no issue.
Vivid 11 Version Make Sure your unit is PX6 Andorid 11(With pre-installed Scout map, if you don't want it, please unistall.) telenav_vivid_rk3399_11.0_ota(20231208) I would like to update my dasa...
hmm, it's not that simple. i turned on hotspot on my phone, assign password. go to the unit, it showed wifi hotspot as 'error' entered 'the phone name' and the same password as above, wifi hots...
@Emmett Pate "I have not had any WiFi stuttering issues. Maybe this was strictly an Android WiFi issue." Do you mean that your issue has been resolved?
Thanks support for your fast response!!! That makes since.
@Thomas Bersimis Yes, you could also refresh the same version or factory reset the system. If still no luck and the system is crashing, we may suggest you to purchase a new unit.
@James Varney We would like to tell you that CB004 and CB047 are sharing the same canbus. In this case, if the canbus box is connected with the CB047 harnesses, you could remove it and connect it t...
12/14/2023 Hey, I received my new radio for my 2016 4runner, BUT my harness (CB004-X) that I needed is missing the can-bus module, The other harnesses have them (RPS-TY-102) and (RPY-TY-001) can y...
Hopefully this won't jinx it, but since installing the December 5, 2023 Android security update, I have not had any WiFi stuttering issues. Maybe this was strictly an Android WiFi issue.
@Support Dasaita are you saying that I it's not recommended to upgrade to Android 9 or 10? It will probably cause problems?