@Pablo Molina Yes, we mean the launcher. Here is the firmware. Could you kindly update it? Vivid 10 Version: Make Sure your unit is PX6 Andorid 10(Combine scout and vivid) telenav_vivid_rk33...
@Pablo Molina Yes, we mean the launcher. Here is the firmware. Could you kindly update it? Vivid 10 Version: Make Sure your unit is PX6 Andorid 10(Combine scout and vivid) telenav_vivid_rk33...
@Support Dasaita el Firmware no se si te refieres al Launcher, lo descargué de la play store. Por lo demás no he tocado nada, reinicié de fábrica la semana pasada, es lo...
@Diego Micheli Please kindly further demonstrate your issue, if you meant that the reboot problem of your head unit has been resolved after Removing DAB.
@Keith Elkin As to the harnesses labels, we are wondering if you could send us your order number so that we could locate more order detail and give you more appropriate instruction. Re...
@Vincenzo Maio We would like to tell you that that is a time difference. Vivid told us that they will recover on 2024/1/8. We suggest you could try on 2024/1/9. Your understanding will be appreciated.
@Brad Watts We have reflected this bug to the engineer and they are debugging the period. Once the problem has been resolved, we will release new firmware. Your understanding will be appreciated.
@Pablo Molina Your current UI is not ours as we have seperate bluetooth App for phone call. Please kindly let us know where you found this firmware. Would you kindly update to a latest vivid10?
I just received my unit today and installed it in my 2022 Toyota RAV 4 and have a few issues: 1. The included Toyota harness and can bus adapter have a few leads with bullet connectors and no clea...
Bluetooth pairing issues I have bought the ELM327 OBD and downloaded torque from the disk that was sent with it and from the App Store. I've also changed the Bluetooth code to 1234 still won't conn...
@Kostia Borisyk I cannot identify the dasaita harness. I was sent schematics for the harness in Chinese from Dasaita and I was able to display the cad drawings, but I don't read Chinese :(. But th...
@Iker Gomez acabo de instalar la app y si que me sale un icono de bt nuevo dentro de esa app, pero al darle para crear acceso directo, me aparece un mensaje que dice que "el paquete no tiene una ac...
@Carlos Fernandes check as well on factory settings (pass: 126) over the tab "others" that the option "prohibit reverse" is "enabled"
@Pablo Molina puede ser un tema del launcher. 1) desinstala el launcher y deja el que está por defecto.... a ver si así ves el bluetooth (normalmente con el botón de lla...
El problema es que no tengo ninguna app en la radio para gestionar las llamadas, no es problema del modulo porque el audio del telefono se oye, puedo escuchar musica o las llamadas a través ...
Actualmente estaba funcionando con el modulo de bluetooth BW124, si cambio y pruebo otro, automáticamente ya no se me conecta al movil ni aparece el nombre de la radio ni nada..
Pero si no tengo app nativa de bluetooth, donde puedo ver si funciona? Pruebo todo lo que me has dicho pero no aparece ninguna app nueva ni nada.
@Support Dasaita Ordinare SP-DA2755 Dopo che disinstallato l'app dab+ non ho più avuto problemi di riavvio.
ok, I'll try in a few hours...