@Ronald Balkema MAX10 Version:Make Sure your unit is PX6 Andorid 10 HA3_rk3399_10.0_ota(20230803) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sy068zz4tgokutkfhuwkt/update.zip?rlkey=uuhukuun3882rz4cyqxs...
@Ronald Balkema MAX10 Version:Make Sure your unit is PX6 Andorid 10 HA3_rk3399_10.0_ota(20230803) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sy068zz4tgokutkfhuwkt/update.zip?rlkey=uuhukuun3882rz4cyqxs...
@David Anderson Sorry to for the inconvenience. In this case, we hope you can follow the steps to verify the main issue. You can check the with the internal microphone. Please try to connect a...
@Errin Khav It will be helpful if you can provide your order number so that we can locate your order detail and provide more appropriate instruction.
I'm reading so many posts about MAX 11 and VIVID 11 having buzzing issues and static with bluetooth calls. and yes I've checked ALL connections and all contacts are clean. i also checked under fact...
@Support Dasaita Thank You! Now it works without that Version Mismatch Code -04 :) I'm going to test the bluetooth and hopefully that improved on calls but if it didn't could I get the link to...
Is there a way I can use the Google Assistant built in to be able to make calls on the native Scout dialer?
Hi Dasaita Support, Could you please provide me with the latest MCU and firmware for my unit?
@Piotr Tyl Please kindly try this firmware to solve the bluetooth issue. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5w50x3fqkvhiv3f/ha3_rk3399_10.0_ota%2820230302%2B%E8%93%9D%E7%89%99MCU%29.zip?dl=0
@Piotr Tyl your call breaking issue is not normal. The last vivid10 update should work well. What bluetooth chipset do you have? Check it on factory settings
@Mcgyver83 on the zlink settings disable the background connection option. By that option disabled....if zlink is in background the wifi will not disconnect. That wifi disconnection is due ...
@Thomas Geriak updating the mcu is only when some issues are detected on the hardware behavior of the unit. Mcu upgrades do not add new features to the unit. Usually just include support for new c...
@Chris Zuliani you have to put the update.zip and the hmcu.img files Into a fat32 formatted usb drive. Plug the usb drive into any of the headunit usb ports and remove any other usbs that co...
@Peter Cochard if you want to update from.max11 to vivid you can just install the vivid launcher apk as it is integrated with dasaita units: https://apkcombo.com/es/vivid-car-launcher/com.telenav....
@Chris Zuliani Have you downloaded the new firmware and MCU? We are wondering if you have formatted the USB driver or SD card to FAT32 format. Your prompt reply will be appreciated.
@Peter Cochard Considering any improper/unnecessary update could be risky, please go Settings>About machine and send a screenshot to show the following version information: 1.A clear photo of ...
@Marius Krause Our manufacturer has not provided us with that diagram photo but we have the main function of the plugs and has replied you in your other post.
@Marius Krause Sorry to tell you that our manufacturer has not provided us with the wiring diagram that you want. We only have the following one.
Please provide the latest firmware for my head unit: Amazon Order# 112-6647675-7302629
Of course I have explained it before in the forum, if you notice I have it in other posts, but I still don't know
Hallo Support, ja so sehen meine Kabel auch aus nur ich habe diese Geräusche wenn ich das Auto fahre. Um mein Problem zu lösen benötige ich einen Schaltplan oder auch einen Belegung...