I'm having the same issue on my g12. The side buttons light up with the headlights, but the screen brightness does not change, and it's too bright.
I'm having the same issue on my g12. The side buttons light up with the headlights, but the screen brightness does not change, and it's too bright.
@Support Dasaita Hello,Can I install this MCU update on my G13 unit?I have noticed that at low volumes in general you hear a static sound as well.You sent me MCU 4.14e, which fixed the loss of the ...
@Rudy Fierro Could you please put the verizon card on the phone,and find the APN on the phone,and then insert the card back to the unit to add the same APN on the unit to see how it work
@nicola romano Ciao nicola, Vuoi dire che quando ricevi una telefonata il volume della musica si abbassa, ma quando ricevi la chiamata non riesci a sentire la musica Bluetooth o non riesci ...
@Rudy Fierro Do you mean the unit now can access the internet now or you?Since you're mentioned it can't make phone calls and connected to internet before.
@Todd Dunlop Hi Todd, Could you please record a video of that issue & attached your order details and send it to our DASAITA SUPPORT TEAM EMAILL: team@dasaita.com
Just installed and having the same issue. Locked on what ever screen comes up GPS, equalizer, or apple play with no buttons working. Or when you touch the screen the input jumps to other icons. Tri...
Verizon customer service asked for the imei of the device and they checked in their database and came to the conclusion that the device is not compatible with verizon wireless.
It has internet only
It was my canbus block coming loose. I will do the zip tie fix also. Thanks. sj
comunque ho scaricato l aggiornamento del firmware e installato ma non è cambiato niente anzi va in conflitto anche spotifi,inoltre ho anche un altro problema ,quando mi arriva un atelefonat...
Il mio è un dasaita PX6
@Support Dasaita Sorry, just following up on the boot logo thread. To create boot pictures, what parameters must I follow? What are the reccomended file sizes (pixel dimensions and byte size...
Hello, something similar happened to me. I kept contacting support and finally the problem was that the CanBus connector and reverse video cable seemed to be a bit loose. Because of the weight of t...
Hi, can you please post the changelog for the G12 20241126 firmware? Thanks in advance
Hello,Is the MCU MTCH_HA4Z for the G12 units and the MTCHS_HA4Z for the G13 units?What is the difference between these 2 MCUs?Thanks in advance.Regards.
@jim c @jim c What function do you want to apply?
@Tyler Martin Hi Tyler, Could you confirm if the the wireless CarPlay can work?
@Rudy Fierro By the way,did you check if Verizon SIM card has the sufficient phone bill to support calls/internet.
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