Does anyone know how/if you can watch the backup camera without physically going into reverse? This is useful if towing or simply want to see what is behind your car.
Does anyone know how/if you can watch the backup camera without physically going into reverse? This is useful if towing or simply want to see what is behind your car.
@Sergio Guerra muchas gracias por tu información; probaré y te iré contando. Un abrazo.
Never expect that.
@The Elite custom logo is only supported in MAX version.
@Zeek World Only the Max firmware supports custom logo. Vivid doesn't support any more.
@Zeek World is it good? better than Google maps or Tom tom AmiGo?
@Stefano Introini non credo sia un bug, quando premi il pulsante dell'aria per il parabrezza, in automatico va al massimo per spannare in minor tempo possibile. credo sia un'impostazione standard. ...
Hello, I can't get ZLink working on my head unit: PX6 RK3399, MTCE_HA_V3.78_1 I have installed lattest VIVID version on my head unit and trying to get Zlink to work. It was not enabled by defaul...
Ajuda, tenho um dasaita px6 max 10 instalado no Toyota CHR 2019, não me aparece o sistema hybrid e todas as notas tais com "AC; portas abertas " , não sei se estou com as configura&cc...
Hi!I see that vivid11 has an updated link.Is it possibile to know the changelog?
Back to the original post: how to track this bug?Or is it possible to do not show these information on the screen?
@julio del carpio we're you able to resolve your issue I did an update from Android 10 to 11 and now I am unble to get the recovery screen to reset the unit... Please help
I have a similar issue where I tried an update from Android 10 to 11 on px6 and on keeping on trying not able to get the recovery screen...any help is appreciated please...
@alejandro Juárez where did you buy such unit?
@Zeek World I find it incredible that Dasaita continues without solving this problem. I thought it was going to be a matter of a couple of months, in which they would release an update, but no. Th...
I have a 2010 4Runner limited, the radio is connected perfectly, but there is a problem, I can't establish a canbus connection. when the temperature changes, nothing appears on the screen, there is...
@Kev M Have you try restart the unit? Not auto sleep but restarting.
@Michael Try restarting the unit, there are some similar issues with Bluetooth, if you have auto sleep set instead of 30 seconds shutdown or similar, next time your turn off and on the car, ...
@Iker Gomez No, this is just terrible. Devs have to fix the issue.
Yes, same problem with Vivid 11 and Samsung S22. The only workaround is to set the Dasaita to power off "30 seconds" instead of the auto sleep so every time you remove the keys, the unit shutsdown...