Well, when I get to screen two and select split screen target I don't get a list. In my case it will as usual in Andoid show apps in memory.
Well, when I get to screen two and select split screen target I don't get a list. In my case it will as usual in Andoid show apps in memory.
@Alan Austin thank you so much. You make a hell of a job with the snapshots. Very helpful for all Viewers here. My most worry is the GPS problem. Is there anything we can do about it? Keep the good...
I can only get the favorite radio stations when I am HotSpot connected to the head unit via phone. This leads me to believe the that the favorite radio settings may be associated with a speci...
@Olufemi Savage Howdy Olufemi! Rather than reply here, I opened two new threads on VIVID UI hints and tips. I used Powerpoint to create the flow diagrams for the gestures/targets for th...
Just in case folks can't figure out to move or hide the mini widget music player that automattically rendors when moving around apps while you have a music app playing, simply put your finger on th...
I put together this simple workflow for newbies on how to manage split screen functions of VIVID. Very versitile once you get the muscle memory established.
@Juan Perez link for MCU 3.78 3.78:https://www.dropbox.com/s/3hd3ci3rp07ddnt/dmcu.img?dl=0 link for firmware HA3_rk3399_10.0_ota(20211015) https://www.dropbox.com/s/35ymf7k1bwddcpo/HA3_rk3...
Well, I used the links that are listed in this forum. They worked, but on the 1st try, it locked up my unit and I had to do a factory reset. Luckily, this worked. I then tried the...
@Paolo Tuttoilmondo , Tienes que insistir con carista ves picandole al final vincula. Yo lo tengo vinculado.
@Aaron Preis , El micro de la pantalla funciona perfectamente.
I have the same problem too. The signal is not showing. I thing and hope with new update it will be fine.
Vivid is the same base unit from Dasaita. Only a new launcher, Vivid. It's fare from finished with lots of bugs and under-developed functions. Fixed screen on the main display, i.e. only radio/play...
I've the same problem. Vivid FW. It takes ages to get a GPS signal. I've the same unit except Vivid in my car and there's no problem with getting GPS signals. It looks like a FW-problem in the lat...
What updates would I need to bring my Dasaita's firmware and MCU up to date based on this screenshot? Not very knowledgeable on the Android system, so specific links for updates highly apprec...
How do I know if I need to update my firmware on my headuint to make sure I am up to date
@Oleg Lovky hello yes, you can update MAX10 to Vivid here is link for Vivid firmware Vivid 10 Version: telenav_vivid_rk3399_10.0_ota282021102129 https://www.dropbox.com/s/y36zpwafuqat0dk/...
I disassembled the dash and reseated the GPS antenna. Still no single. Here are some pictures to show the UI and the build that i am on.
Hi, Will it be possible to update my MAX10 to Vivid?
@ruizpal ruizpal me pasa como a ti.. haces el rest y quitas el fusible o lo haces antes de darle al reset? Puedes indicar los pasos ? Gracias
Hi, I have a Dasaita for my Nissan Qashqai (2018)Yesterday I've downloaded your update firmware.When I tried to update the car battery turn off. 😒 The radio is trying to start up and does not go pa...