@H H @Paul Wood @James Varney Please kindly update the firmware. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bc9fy4gj4sxmf3o811lti/zst27_sc138_12_-20240111-ota.zip?rlkey=68m6oxrcs3wwsigzod5pewrhs&dl=0
Note to unzip the file and put update.zip into the USB. If you are not sure how to update the firmware. Here is an instruction.
i Just tried to update the Firmware using the filw you provided
i downloaded the fil, rename the zip file to "update.zip" transfere it to quick formated flash drive FAT 32
i run the update , i resevice eror as per attached image
please advice

Just updated to the latest firmware, didn't do any factory reset, will give it a try and report back later.
Report: same result!
didn't factory reset, want to know will the Car factory setting get reset as well?
@Muhammad Fadl It seems that the head unit could not detect the update file, could you kindly try the following steps.
@Paul Wood Please kindly let us know if your problem has been resolved after the update.
@H H Sure, you could go to Settings > System and factory reset the head unit to check if the problem could be resolved.
@Support Dasaita finally done that, but the problem still persist!!!!!
The android system reset to factory, and I realized the FACTORY setting (code 126) in CAR setting did not change or reset.
System is still picking up sound from both microphones.
I have already chosen MIC EXTERNAL, but it is still picking up sound from the front microphone (I tested it by tapping on the microphone while I am talking on phone) on the screen.
Please let us know what else we can do, is it Zlink problem or the system problem?
Thank you.
Hello all,
Its been half month already, any updates?
Thank you.
@H H Hi there, we just replicated the issue and found it's mostly zlink issue, in this case, we have to communicate with the engineers of zlink which need to take some time, would you mind waiting with patience for us to update the zlink software. Your understanding will be appreciated.
@Support Dasaita Wonderful, good to hear that you can replicate this extremely ignoring issue.
Please try your best to ask Zlink to fix this ASAP.
Thank you very much.
@H H We will urge zlink to solve the problem asap. Really appreciate your understanding and patience.
I too have the same issue and look for the same resolution.
@R. L. Please let us know if you have bad sound quality of the microphone.
@Support Dasaita Yes, The same issues as above as well as others have reported. Sitting still the call is clear, when dirving, the sound is terrible. I would expect when the external mic is plugged in, the internal mic would be disabled. OR at least be able to control via settings within the unit itself.
You mentioned it's a Zlink issue. Looking for when that fix will be released.
Thank you!
@R. L. Yes, we would like to release the firmware asap.
@James Varney @H H @Paul Wood
Dear All, we are wondering if you could update the latest G12 firmware:
G12(20240322): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3bxgdp04o2ielmhjsgi38/update.zip?rlkey=w957bm8glg8oyen7jiqhoi8u5&dl=0
And then install the zlink APK to check if the microphone has been improved or not.
zlink APK:
Your prompt reply will be appreciated.
@Support Dasaita Both system and Zlink updated, here is the report, I have changed the setting of MIC to 0 (same result as 12), using EXTERNAL MIC.
Zlink connection speed have been improved, haven't tested any music yet, the internal and external mic are still picking up sound/noise together.
Voice have been improved a little bit, speed below 30km/h is still able to listen, but once it above 30-40km/h, same thing happened again, cracking sound.
As we have mentioned before, is there anyway to fully shut down one of the mic? so it will only pickup sound from that only mic?
Attached below are the pictures.

@H H Sorry that we could not mute one mic via changing the Settings. We assume you mean operation like the following.