2013-2017 Accord EX-L Issues

  • @Support Dasaita / @Dasaita Official,

    Sorry for the delay. I have been very sick but am doing better now.

    I installed the APK and reset the device but the clock still shows 00's at 12 pm:

    As for the subwoofer not working... here is a video of it hooked up, and not playing anything:

  • @Jonathan Blackwell As to the sub wirings, would you kindly switch the yellow sub plug to the FR plug on the RCA as Erik did? Please let us know if it could output normally after changing the plug.

  • @Erik Anderson @Jonathan Blackwell As to the dual screen time display and the current fuel, we will revise on the next version, we will hide the current fuel on the main screen and synchronize the time on both screen in same format, you could pay attention to the OTA or our Firmware topic.

  • @Jonathan Blackwell Hi Jonathan, sorry to hear that you are sick now. We are wondering if you disconnect the sub cables, both speakers that you show on the video could not work, if so, we are afraid that the cable is not compatible with the sub in your car, please kindly give a try. 


  • @Support Dasaita Sure, I'll watch out for an OTA update. Will there be a way to hide the non-working current fuel info on the iMID screen as well?

    I have one other issue which I'm not sure if it started with the 20240606 update or not: over CarPlay, the audio for navigation in both Apple Maps and Google Maps sounds distorted/clipped.

    I found that I can mitigate the impact of it by changing the app settings. In Google Maps, I do that by  setting "Guidance volume" to "Softer" (from "Normal") or turning off "Play voice over Bluetooth." In Apple Maps, I do that by changing "Spoken Directions" setting to "Softer Volume".

    However, I have another CarPlay radio in a different vehicle that doesn't need these settings, so it's not ideal to have to modify them for the Dasaita.

    Are there any known issues with audio distortion/clipping over CarPlay? I can upload a video if it's not clear what I'm talking about.

  • @Erik Anderson

    We have recently received feedback from some customers regarding the volume level of Google Assistant, indicating that the voice output was not loud enough. In response to these concerns, we have made the decision to increase the volume across the board to better meet user needs.

    Please note that while the increased volume may introduce a slight distortion, it is subtle and generally requires close attention to notice any difference. Most of our customers have found this adjustment to be acceptable and have appreciated the improved audibility.

    We hope you understand our decision and continue to have a positive experience with our services. Should you have any further concerns or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out.

    As to the fuel information, we have a newer firmware(20240626) that has not been put onto OTA already hide it. You could kindly update it and verify.


  • @Support Dasaita

    I installed the newer firmware.

    The change you made re: the "Vehicle" app was to remove the app entirely-- is that right? If so, yes, that's what I see after installing it.

    Re: the navigation voice volume with CarPlay. I would not call it "slight" or "subtle." Both my wife and I were extremely annoyed with how it sounded on a recent trip. It's possible that with RCA pre-outs plus the factory amp (my configuration) that it's worse, though, and that the built-in Dasaita amp (which I'm not using) may not be nearly as noticeable. It would be nice to have an option re: if that increased volume change gets used.

    Re: other issues: it would still be super helpful if you can improve the lane watch camera button and turn signal interaction. Are you still investigating if that can be improved?

  • @Support Dasaita Hello. I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum who feels Google maps in Android Auto is too loud now. There are no adjustments when I attempt to change the volumes in the factory extra settings.

    Reducing the volume causes uneven volumes between the music playing (Spotify is too low) and Google voice navigating (too loud if Spotify is at a reasonable volume, ie. Level 8. )

  • @Support Dasaita 

    You'd posted on the other thread (https://www.dasaita.com/community/forum/topic/126916/honda-accord-ex-l-problems) the following:

    @Erik Anderson As to the sound of the Carplay, could you please install the latest zlink APK to verify if it could improve or not?


    I assume that was in response to my comments above.

    I went ahead and tried it. It sounds a little better to me. With the Apple Maps default voice I now barely notice any distortion, but the Google Maps one is still clearly distorted to me. But it's not as bad as before where I felt like it was going to give me a headache immediately.

  • @Erik Anderson @Jonathan Blackwell We are wondering if you could update our vivid 13 firmware and the MCU to solve the CarPlay issue and the Right view button.






  • @Support Dasaita I won't be able to try it for a bit, but I will let you know once I can.

  • @Erik Anderson Thank you for your reply and we will wait for your feedback.

  • @Support Dasaita, I installed both. Vivid 13 works fine but the MCU breaks everything and causes the OS to crash. Radio doesn't work and both cameras don't work. I downgraded the MCU to 4.13a and they started working again with the same behavoir as the previous version.

  • @Support Dasaita, Here is a demonstration where the Sub works when I hook up an external source, but the Sub/FL/FR/RL/RR all fail to give any signal. I don't think any of these are putting out any signal at all. Is there a switch in the settings somewhere?

  • @Jonathan Blackwell We found that your volume is 8, could you please raise it and check if it could help? In the meanwhile, please update the MCU to 4.14 to check if the right turn issue could resolved or not.


    Please note to unzip the file to hmcu.img before copy into the USB.

  • @Support Dasaita I just tried the version 4.14 MCU and Vivid 13.


    The CarPlay nav voice audio seems better from initial testing. Thanks!


    Re: the right view (lane watch) + turn signal behavior: it is one step forward and one step back.

    It now does exactly what I want when the right turn signal is on. I can press the lane watch button and it turns off the camera which allows me to interact with the unit while waiting at a stop light.

    However, the behavior when the turn signal is not active has regressed. When I press the lane watch button, the camera shows for a fraction of a second and then turns off. This is actually the more common lane watch button interaction (at least for me) because I often use it to check my blind spot before signaling a lane change. If I hold down the button the entire time, the camera continues to be visible. The correct (OEM) behavior is that it should toggle the camera on and off when I press the button.


    Re: the 12 hour clock when at midnight/noon-- it still shows 00:xx instead of 12:xx on the iMID screen. Just FYI since you hadn't indicated this was addressed yet.


    Re: other Vivid 13 changes. It didn't seem to be auto-launching into CarPlay when the phone connects to Bluetooth. I was able to work around this by setting CarPlay to autolaunch and telling it not to return to the main launcher. With the previous version it would generally auto-launch into CarPlay when the phone connected via Bluetooth.

  • @Erik Anderson Hi there, for the auto-launching into CarPlay, please go to CarPlay Settings > Toggle Background connection.

    Regarding to the time display issue, have install the following APK that we provided before.


    As to other issue, we will still communicate with the engineer for help. 


  • @Support Dasaita thanks, that fixed the CarPlay connection; I guess it got reset when updating.

    Re: the time display issue-- Jonathan had previously reported that APK didn't fix the time display issue on the iMID screen. You also previously gave me a different HCTCanBus.apk (https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ei8jcsha185ysw4f85iud/HCTCanBus_138_12.0.apk?rlkey=spb7h2sxo23rjairwhiu595vx&st=4xcqxwqj&dl=0) which hid the main screen app that showed similar info. If I try to install the one that Jonathan tried (which you just linked to), it fails to install with an, "App not installed as package appears to be invalid" error. Possibly due to me already having something newer installed? Either way, it doesn't appear to be fixed yet.

  • @Support Dasaita 

    In the other thread, you asked me to get some measurements re: the sub:

    @Erik Anderson We are wondering if you could help us get the subwoofer data.

    1.Use a multimeter set to AC voltage mode to measure the voltage.

    2.Without powering the device, set the multimeter to resistance mode at 200K and measure the resistance of the original car CD’s subwoofer (one end grounded, the other connected to the subwoofer).

    3.Check if one of the two points on the original car CD subwoofer plug is grounded. If neither point is grounded, it indicates a differential signal; if one point is grounded, it indicates a single-ended signal.

    1. You wanted me to measure what the Dasaita unit is outputting, correct? I played a 40Hz test tone at max volume and see my meter report 0.014V AC when the sub is on but set to 0 on the "G" level in the Amp app. If I slide the "G" level all the way to 20, then my meter reports 0.148V AC.

    2. I could not get a reading. I think the cable may go to the amplifier, so I'm not convinced I'm actually able to easily measure the resistance/attempt to measure the impedance. I don't want to mess around with my trunk liner right now, but perhaps Jonathan can get a measurement if it's interesting.

    3. The RCA plug going to the car's sub is not grounded at all (neither the center pin nor the outer shield).


  • @Erik Anderson

    Regarding to the time display issue, we just comfirm with the engineer, they said that it could not be changed this period, they will try to solve it in the future..

    As to the subwoofer, our engineer said that they could modify a output amplifier and send it to you to see if it could work. Please tell us if the subwoofer could not work at all, or it could work but just a little. Will await for your prompt reply.


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