G13 - few issues after sale (custom wheel buttons mapping, radio app, launcher, worse carplay music quality)

  • Hi, my G13 for Toyota Corrola arrived and i have installed it sucessfully. Everything works pretty fine, but i have few issues / questions.

    1) I am not able to map wheel buttons to custom action on Corolla 2013. Buttons work correctly on default setting - volume up/down, arrow to skip songs, middle button play/pause, but when i open Wheelkey study app, "press steering wheel key" is displayed, but nothing happens if i press buttons on wheel. I would like to change "mode" button on my steering wheel to swap between radio and carplay and maybe assign call / hangup buttons to custom apps.

    2) Radio app does not display station pictures and RDS information does not often show at all. Also signal seems a little worse than on my original Panasonic unit. I found there is NavRadio app on play store, can i use it instead default radio app?

    3) Can i use any other launcher / themes on G13, for instance Lucid launcher? 

    4) When i use carplay, the music from carplay is quiter and lower quality than for instance FM radio. Is there any way to fix / improve carplay music quality?

  • @David Karlík

    Hi David,

    1)If you are using CB004 harness on the unit,please try those steps:

    Step 1. Please go Settings > Car > Factory settings (password126) > Others > Steering wheel keys assign > Can key > Apply > Exit (Restart).


    Step 2. Please go Settings > Car > Steering Wheel Keys > start to program OR just open the App "Wheelkey Study" to program. 

    2)Could you please check if the radio antenna connect well?

    3)Other UI themes are not supported yet.

    4)What music app are you using on Carplay?

  • Hi,

    1) i will try and let you know EDIT: I have already tried and its working! Thanks!

    2) antenna is connected fine 

    4) I use Apple Music - could that be problem?

  • @David Karlík Hi David,

    Could you please test the difference of the signal between enable and disable the RDS setting:

    Settings > Car > Factory settings (password :126) > Other >RDS radio

    Actually,we learn that different car models, audio configurations, music or video software, and settings will all have an impact on the sound source,and many netizens in the market said even switch between Apple CarPlay Spotify & Radio, the sound is louder and less muffled.

    I think that's because Apple Music and Spotify have a massive amount of compression to reduce file sizes. Essentially they cut the top and bottom off and squish the middle. Radio, being transmitted rather than streamed or stored doesn't have this so is better audio quality.

    Please go to the apple music setting to have a try:

    1.Settings > Music > Cellular Streaming, set High Quality;

    2.Settings > Music, then turn off Sound Check.

    Thank you for your time and patience in this matter!

  • Hi

    About radio and RDS - i cant really see any difference between RDS off or on, but the longer i am using the radio, longer it seems pretty usable, so i thinks its ok.

    CarPlay and apple music - Turning Sound Check really helped, i thought i had it disabled, but it was on all the time...now the music quality is a lot better from my perspective (maybe still not as good as FM radio, but finally pretty usable)

    Also if you woudn't mind i have one more questions:

    Is it risky to put "Shutdown delay when ACC OFF" on Auto Sleep? I am afraid that it could drain my battery overnight, so i switched to "30 seconds" to be safe. Do you have any numbers of how much power the unit draws from battery when it is in Auto Sleep?

    Thanks for you help



  • @David Karlík Hi David,

    Actually,put "Shutdown delay when ACC OFF" on Auto Sleep,it will not drains the car's battery in most cases.

    However, we have also received 3-4 customers whose cars are older, and this setting will drain the car's battery, or this problem will also occur when the car's battery has problems and the battery has been replaced.

  • Thanks again, i have put Auto Sleep and i will hope it doesnt drain my battery in winter :D. 

    If i could have on more question regarding microphone - i have connected extrernal microphone from package but i dont actually have a place where to put it (it is now in my glovebox). Is there any way to change microphone to the internal one, that is in the corner of unit? When i made a test call, it seems that the unit is using external microphone. 


  • @David Karlík Hi David,there is no setting about switch internal or external mic to use,so we recommend that you could settle it on here:

  • Hello, 

    For information, I used the original internal microphone of my car (Peugeot 208) with my Dasaita G13 unit.
    I cut the microphone wires that came with the Dasaita unit and soldered them with the wires of my original microphone and everything works perfectly fine.

    You just need to mark the wires and solder them together.

    Maybe this will help you. I don't have photos because the cables are hidden in my car now but I think there are only 2 wires to connect; positive and negatve (maybe 3 wires max; signal wire...)

    Good luck

  • @Gael ZUCCATO 

    Hi Gael,

    Amazing!You have great hands-on skills.

    Did your mic same as this one? 2 wires,one is positive,another is negative.


  • @Support Dasaita Yes it was the same microphone.
    If I remember correctly, the connector of the original mic of my car also had 2 wires (positive and negative).
    I cut and simply connected together.
    It works perfectly well, my interlocutors hear me perfectly well during calls and the installation remains invisible.

  • Small correction,

    My mic was indeed the same apart from the connector... It was a jack connector and not a connector like in the photo. But the jack had 2 wires as well.

  • Hey, thanks for the info, any tips where i can find original microphone on my Corolla 2013? I got really no clue.

  • @David Karlík No sorry, my car is a Peugeot 208.
    Maybe try searching on the internet

  • @David Karlík 

    Hi David,

    The mic is in the upper console in the headliner where the lights and sunglasses case/sunroof controls are.please check.

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