Zlink connectivity issues with Apple Music app

  • I am recently experiencing an issue with ZLink and Apple Music app.  Initially it will connect and play for some period of time ( usually only about 10 minutes ).  Then, at random the connection drops, and the radio will stay at the Zlink screen but the phone will not connect again.  

    If I power off/power on the radio and the phone it will usually connect again but the issue will repeat.  This seems specific to the Apple music app itself.  Pandora, XM do not have this same behavior.

    Specs: PX6, Android 11 radio, Kernel 4.19.193, MCU MTCH_HA_V3.89a_1

    Iphone: 18.3.1

  • @Kurt Davenport

    Hi Kurt,

    Please update the Firmware to the latest version via the link below,here are some tips to help you get it done:

    Vivid 11 Version Make Sure your unit is PX6 Andorid 11



    1.Please download the file though the link via your computer/laptop.

    (Do not rename and Unzip the file)

    2.Format the USB drive before copying the Update.zip  file to it, then insert it to the USB cable,and it will pop out the firmware updating tips on the screen.

    (Tick the option"Wipe data and format flash")



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