@Miguel Lai Could you send us your order number and shopping platform? So that we could loate your order detail and give you more appropriate firmware update recommendation.
@Miguel Lai Could you send us your order number and shopping platform? So that we could loate your order detail and give you more appropriate firmware update recommendation.
@Emmett Pate We are wondering if you have sufferred the issue while you are using the previous firmware.(firmware before october)
@Reinhard Güntzel Sorry for such inconvenience and we will improve the situation in the future, we found that most of our customer just glued the microphone onto the head unit inside the car. ...
@Mark Stanish In this case, we suggest you to replace the cable to a new CB004-4. Please just contact with us via email.
for some reason I can't get pictures to load here. I sent an email with pictures and further descriptions to support@dasaita.com. I did follow the steps above and confirmed the white, b...
@Support Dasaita Thanks, I insalled the Scout Map APK for the latest Vivid release, and the usability is much better. This basically acts as a replacement for the Google Maps splitscreen interface ...
@Support Dasaita Any comment or suggestion from you pertaining to this matter?
I'm not sure when it started, but the Reverse Volume has been broken for a while. I'm currently using the latest firmware (telenav_vivid_rk3399_10.0_ota(20231023)) and neither the -9 db or -1...
Thanks. Yes, I finally got it activated by disabling bluetooth on the phone so that Zlink and Android Auto wouldn't auto-connect (which apparently turns off WiFi on the head unit). Also like...
@Support Dasaita Das Mikrofon was zum Gerät im Paket enthalten ist, ja das ist Kompitabel zum Radio, leider nicht zum Auto. Das Kabel von diesem Mikrofon ist zu kurz um das Mikrofon an der im...
Roar H 7d Support Dasaita Staff member 23d @Roar H We are wondering if the version of your head unit is V840-8 Version. Your prompt reply will be appreciated. ...
@Mike Van Eeckhoutte Here is the latest firmware. Please kindly update your system and give us feedback. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/f1oqh7ryltbjvz76uvc3w/update.zip?rlkey=reoz3v0ppizg9lxoziu67e...
@Marius Krause Could you send us photo to show the situation that you mentioned? We would like to diagnose accordingly.
Bei hat sich auf einmal das Display gedreht. Die Bedienung läuft noch ganz normal auf der Quer. Hat jemand eine Idee warum? Wie ich es dazu bekomme sich nicht mehr zu drehen? Danke in voraus.
VEHICLE COMPATIBILITY: Toyota Camry 2012 2013 2014 Model: HA5469 Default harness: CB004-1 Link: https://www.dasaita.com/products/dasaita-vivid10-toyota-camry-2012-2013-20...
VEHICLE COMPATIBILITY: Honda Accord 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Model: HA5206H3 None Lane watch(Right view), single screen model: cable CB039 For Lane watch(Right v...
@Quick Yuan Updated the email address, please feel free to contact with while you are suffering from malfunctions.
@Emmett Pate We would like to tell you that vivid and scout is from the same company. You could download the Scout map in the launcher and turn it into Scout. Please confirm if you have connected t...
@Benjamin OLIU SIMAL We are wondering if the model of your head unit is V840-8. In the meanwhile, please let us know your current build number and MCU so that we could make better recommendat...
@Jeffrey Ford We are wondering if you have Vivid 11 with Dasaita animation logo now. If yes, please let us know your current version(Go to Settings system and give us a screenshot to show the build...