@Support Dasaita Hello I loaded the latest update onto a USB stick and plugged it into the car. Only when I go into settings and system control and install the update nothing happens. When I'm ...
@Support Dasaita Hello I loaded the latest update onto a USB stick and plugged it into the car. Only when I go into settings and system control and install the update nothing happens. When I'm ...
Me mandaron el archivo pero no logro actualizarlo no me sale nada
Support Dasaita Staff member 16d @Roar H We are wondering if the version of your head unit is V840-8 Version. Your prompt reply will be appreciated. Roar H 15d ...
@Ed Vard Or you could give us a screenshot of the Apps settings page.
@Ed Vard Please go to Factory settings > enter 126 > Apps to see if there is an carplay option. Your cooperation will be appreciated.
@Tony Ye You could update this latest firmware which could supports custom logo. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/h1lpmcly5exu3k7kry6qf/update.zip?rlkey=ehs221z0h18b80fkbh71ycic7&dl=0
@S D We are wondering if there is any malfunction of your stereo, if not, we doesn't recommend to update the firmware. If there is any problem persist, please further demonstrate the issue so that ...
@Daniel Trautvetter Please note that Dasaita warranty service only applies to first-hand purchasers. Users are required to retain their order information details and warranty certificates as evide...
@Paul Carroll We have fixed the problem that you mentioned of waze shortcut icon which is loading google map.
@Alec Shern Please do not worry, we have combined both firmware but retain all the function of vivid.
@David Warr It seems that the file you downloaded is wrong. Please kindly refer to the following instruction of how to proceed the update. https://www.dasaita.com/community/forum/topic/37249/how-up...
@S C MAX10 Version:Make Sure your unit is PX6 Andorid 10 HA3_rk3399_10.0_ota(20230803) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sy068zz4tgokutkfhuwkt/update.zip?rlkey=uuhukuun3882rz4cyqxsgs9k6&d...
@Jean-Marc Noiseux You could purchase the MB-HA5010A, please let us know your address so that we could make price quotation. Or you could send us email: support@dasaita.com
Did you get the steering controls working?
@John Donnelly We would like to tell you that the warranty is 1 year in both our official store and Amazon store. The G12 will launch in the Amazon later. You could just feel free to place the orde...
@Support Dasaita Sure. Here's a picture of the build number
I downloaded the latest vivid 11 version and installed but it shows it is Scout with the scout logo. Is wrong file uploaded?
@Support Dasaita @Dasaita Official when will G12 be available on Amazon? I'd like to purchase an extended warranty that is not available thru Dasaita.
I've been out of the country but I had time today to try and download the update again. And received the same message on bottom of the screen
@Support Dasaita. Video of failed to download @Support Dasaita