Micro choice disappears

  • In the G12 with the latest Update 20240713 the choice of Internal or External Micro disappears, let's see if you can fix it.

    Thank you.

  • @Juan Perez as far as i know, that option did nothinng and finally they decided to remove from options.

    In my case, that i am having som microphone issues (works for calls but not for android system) changing from intenal to external and viceverse did nothing

  • @Iker Gomez Yo tambien tengo ese problema y ahora el micrófono no funciona salvo en las llamadas por bluetooth, y no se si esta funcionando el microfono de la tablet o el externo.

    Utilizar Google por voz me es imposible, no reconoce ni el microfono de la tablet ni el externo.

    Me es imprescindible tener esa opción o que me den una solucion.

  • @CARLOS LOPEZ, mete la versión anterior y solucionado tu problema.

  • @Juan Perez @Iker Gomez De donde descargo la version anterior? Como la instalo correctamente?

    Se puede bajar de version sin problema?

  • @CARLOS LOPEZ We are wondering if you could shot a video about this issue and send the link to us.

    After recording the video, would you consider roll back to the previous version 20240513 to verify if your issue could be resolved or not.

    Your cooperation will be appreciated.



    You could follow the instruction.



  • La versión anterior es la 20240606

  • Buenas tardes.

    He reinstalado la versión 20240513 y me permitió deshabilitar el micrófono externo.

    Posteriormente descargue la versión 20240606 via OTA.

    La versión 20240713 he tenido que instalarla manualmente ya que vía OTA me indicaba que el sistema estaba actualizado. Obviamente no, porque le faltaba esta versión.

    Muchas gracias por la ayuda


    If your current version 20240513 can work normally, we suggest that it doesn't need to do the update further.

  • @Support Dasaita

    Buenos días.

    La versión instalada actualmente es la 20240713, tal como indiqué en mi comentario. No es la 20240513.

    Un cordial saludo.


    Thanks for getting back to us.
    At present, 20240713 is the latest version.
    If we released the new software, we will update it via OTA further.

  • @CARLOS LOPEZ did you solve your issue?

    I am on G12 with Android 13  Scout ROM which still has the Menu for selecting between internal and External microphone:

    If selecting External (as it was), the External Microphone Works for Call ONLY. The internal Microphpne does not work

    If selecting Internal, The External Microphone works as well. I noticed that it works for Android System too, but with very low microphone volume (as I noticed by using a Voice Recording App). Google Assistant works, but as i commented the recording volume level is very low (On the Factory settings Microphone Volume level is set a t MAXIMUM)

    I think volume level must be revised with developers.


  • @Iker Gomez Please send us your current Build Number and MCU version. Besides, we are wondering if you mean that the Google assistant could hardly receive your voice through microphone though your have crank it up in the factroy settings. We will forward to the developer once getting your reply.

  • Bonjour,
    j'ai installé la dernière version sur le G12 : 20240812, c'est une catastrophe. Le micro ne fonctionne pas du tout, le son sur le téléphone est terrible, on ne comprend rien. Le seul point positif est qu'on peut connecter l'ODB2 au bluetooth.

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