Ho questo problema: quando mi fermo con la macchina sento due beep e sulla schermata principale del Dasaita compare quella del bluetooth. Questo succede sempre. Come posso risolvere? Ho canc...
Ho questo problema: quando mi fermo con la macchina sento due beep e sulla schermata principale del Dasaita compare quella del bluetooth. Questo succede sempre. Come posso risolvere? Ho canc...
@Support Dasaita Of course we understand that, but please understand that there are priorities, such as this one, which is a security and privacy issue, for example, as well as other elements for t...
I received the new firmware last night that fixes this problem and I just installed it. I have not gone for a drive yet, but my testing shows the issue is resolved. Thanks for the fix!!!! 👍
@Grze Gorz Hello, the page widgets doesn't support to be customized. Hope you could undertsand. Thank you
@Giovanni Tiozzo Ciao, non consigliamo di effettuare l'aggiornamento a meno che non sia necessario. Dopo l'aggiornamento, le app preinstallate scompariranno, come igo
@John Spiekermeier Hello ,thank you for your contact. Please try to check if the pin of cable is loose. May we have your order ID ?
@Michael Uribe Hello, Please go Settings>About machine and provide the following version information: 1.A clear photo of the stereo's Bulid Number. 2.A clear photo of the stereo's MCU ...
@J Irving Thank you for your kind reply. If you're using Android phone ,please donwload the app on your phone.See the steps for reference on the headunit. If you download this ...
@JoMaRS Thank you for your kind reply. Of course we will forward to our related department, adding the function is a project for G13 ,and we need to constantly test whether the firmware will run s...
@Jay Narang mine didnt. I needed to get off scout launcher (that seemed to be the issue for me). No matter what scout liked to override nova, even when I disabled it. I couldnt find a way to uninst...
@Bohdan Fediuk you don't need to downgrade to an older version. You can use latest version with nova launcher and it will work fine.
Guys, tell me how to download videos from TikTok without the logo? I've already downloaded through a couple of sites, but they always add a watermark.
I installed the G12 Head unit in my tundra limited with the jbl speakers. And within 60 days the sound on the right side has stopped working. I did a factory reste on the head unit and ...
I use an Android phone and still have problems qith mirroring it wont work and tried installing Hulu APK and wont work. Here are my specs. Thank you for the help. HA5...
Buongiorno, ho visto che è uscito un aggiornamento firmware per il G13, se effettuo l'aggiornamento quali dati perdo?
@Support Dasaita I had adjusted the settings to all but the rear speakers are still low and there is no way to make them louder. I have tried all the different equalizer settings. How ...
@Michael Uribe Thank you for your contact. For your order information, this MCU is not for your head unit. Please put the fader to the middle or adjust to the settings to ALL ,keep the fro...
@Grze Gorz Hello, for your information, this unit is only working for the vivid 10 version. Please try to update back to vivid 10. Thank you.
Could you simply add the "Valet lock" function of Vivid 13 in G13. Please communicate this to the appropriate department so that they can implement it in a future update. It's not a whim, as Gennar...
Hello, I have a Vivo10 software. How Can I delete the widgets or change, create/add new one? I don't see this options. I would like to delete > Speed and change google maps to app > Yanosi...